Well it's been a while since my last post, a year actually, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been a busy little bee in my garden. There has been some major changes to the backyard landscape, okay it was a total overhaul.
Here is where it all started
After a unusually cold and snowy winter, it was March, and the time had finally come to start the fence replacement project for the complex. Yeah, I have been waiting for that for 3 years.
Here is a refresher on how the Fence looked.

That ugly fence, with the gate that would always stick.

Another thing I really didn't like about the fence is that it went up 4 ft and the top 1 ft was a see through lattice portion. Living on a main street with people always walking by, I didn't like that anyone and their dog could see was I was doing in my backyard. Even though I knew that fence would be replaced, last season I put up plywood to cover the lattice portion and painted the whole fence on the inside of the backyard, only then was able to live with it for one more year.



Gone, goodbye and good riddance, is all I can say!
Our new fence is being constructed by Premium Fence.

In go the new posts, our old fence zigzagged in and out and had brick pillars on the ends of each of the corners. One reason the fence was so ugly, is that overtime the brick pillars settled and pulled the fence along in either direction, it looked like it was falling over and was coming away in spots.
The new fence is going to be perfectly straight.

The now open division between mine and my Neighbours yard

It's going to be so nice with new fence, because the zigzags have now been eliminated, I will gain an extra 2 feet depth as you can kind of see by were the grass ends and the new posts are.

The fence boards ready to be installed.
My yard seems to go on for ever, if only that were the case.
Alekazam ,Tada, new fence
The bricks where the BBQ was, I had re-used them from the west side of the house.
All that extra space, 2feet, I think I will put the compost bin there, it's full shade, good spot for it.
I will have to move the Rhodo to fit the space properly.
The Granite rocks will have to be moved to accommodate the new gate, it was moved over slightly from its former position.
This area will be the new veggie garden, it gets full sun for most of the day. Before the fence was replace I had to move any plants and equipment that I wanted to keep away from the old fence, the yard is a mess, but things can finally find a home.
I have a lot of cleaning up to do, plants have been trampled and wood pieces and concrete are littered throughout the garden. I'll salvage what plants I can. As you can see above the herb garden doesn't look so happy.
Another thing I am going to do is rip up all the grass and replace it with 3/4" crushed gravel. The grass is half dead and full of mud. It has never really grown very well, and having a medium sized dog doing damage to the grass doesn't help.