Every season, it's important to make time to take some pictures when things are at their best, you wait all year for this moment, it would be a shame to let it go by without that memory to look back on. Especially when the weathers the shits and you wonder why you live on the wet coast.
A little harvest of onions, carrots and beans.

Stargazer Lily's bought from http://www.botanus.com/
Dahlia's "Rip City", they put on a real show.
My window boxes overflowing with Geraniums and Marigolds I started from seed. No that's not a new kind of grey foliage plant, that's my Dahlia's under stress in late August with powdery mildew.
Sweet Pea's one of my favorite garden flowers.
Gay Feather
I inherited this Daffodil from this garden, it has the most wonderful scent.
This Sunflower "Russian Giant" grew to about 14 feet, a real skyscraper!
The harvested seed heads, great to leave out for the birds to pick at.
20" across in size.
Sometimes you have to have your camera out at just the right moment, this butterfly stayed just long enough to get this shot. I guess I've created a space for the birds, the bee's and butterflies! I don't use any chemicals or pesticides on my garden.
Rhododendron "Horizon Monarch" I love the blousey flower trusses, a real show stopper.
Azalea "Crimson Red", English Daisy's and Gold Basket Allysum, I love the honey scent of the blossoms.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Kwansan also one of my favorites, a late bloomer.
Forget-me-not, a volunteer that comes back year after year
I really love the look of the dark green leaves and bright orange flowers of this marigold. Especially against the granite rocks.
Marigold "Sparky Mix"I started these from seed and transplanted them close together and they grew into a lovely mat of flowers that didn't need a lot of care and put on an real show till frost.